Monday 13 September 2010

Help Wanted...

It seems like I'm shouting a lot about charitable causes these days. I'm not going to apologise for that, but I do understand that 'charity fatigue' is real and that we all experience it from time to time.

However, here's a short film from Unicef about Pakistan that I was forwarded today and I think is worth watching. (And I do think it's amusing that they sent me this one, what with it's featuring the quite watchable Ewan McGregor and all. What am I - an easily pigeon-holed Mummy Blogger or something?)

1 comment:

  1. Yes he is rather easy on the eye isnt he? I deffinately wouldnt kick him out of bed on a cold night!

    Being charitable is nothing to be ashamed about, I have certainly tried to be much more charitable this year and plan to do more in the next. We can only do what we can do and hope that it helps someone else somewhere!

    Take care
    Kate Collings
    xx - always welcoming new followers, guests, and comments xx


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