Thursday 3 September 2009

Reality Check

So both the boys are back at school this morning, and after all my chuntering and complaining the house feels rather empty...

The calm silence is particularly unwelcome because it gives me the opportunity to start beavering away at all the tasks that need to be completed before we leave on our Russian adventure. Now, whilst I was busy entertaining the Boys and doing my best impression of a Butlins red coat over the summer break, I was almost looking forward to this.

Oh goody, I thought, the chance to go through all our cupboards and get rid of stuff we haven't used since the last time we moved. I am determined that we will not do what we have over the last couple of moves, and simply move 'the crap' with us rather than getting round to throwing it out.

And where better to start with this, than my own wardrobe? In a perverse way I've been looking forward to the chance to get rid of all the clothes that I haven't been able to fit into since before Boy #2 arrrived. You know, the ones that you just keep hanging around; they're not too shabby, some of them were quite expensive, and you just can't quite bring yourself to shove them in a bin bag and take them to Oxfam. I keep thinking that I might either get a really bad stomach bug (note to self; stop taking pro-biotics if I really want that to happen, which if I'm honest, I don't), or suddenly tap into reservoirs of willpower I hadn't realised I possessed, helping me to cut out the chocolate. Either way I might finally lose that extra half a stone... (OK, probably closer to a stone but doesn't everyone delude themselves like this?)

So, I got back from school drop-off this morning, opened my cupboard doors ready to start the weeding out process, and then it hit me.

Oh bugger. If I get rid of all the clothes I can't fit into, I probably won't have any clothes left...


  1. I must admit I ate some salami I wasn't sure about the other night thinking it wouldn't hurt to lose a couple of pounds. Glad to know I'm not the only one doing that. Shame it was perfectly alright.

  2. I do it all the time, get rid of clothes that are too big or too small... somehow though I always have a closet full and I swear I never buy any!

  3. That's a very disappointing thought, but still it's a reality you have to face and it does mean you get to start again from scratch with a more realistic wardrobe. Go ahead and do that, PM, you will feel better for it.

  4. I have a very similar wardrobe! But I'm loathe to get rid of any of the clothes just in case I do get thin enough to wear them again... a sort of 'wardrobe incentive'...

  5. Mwa, you are definitely not alone in that. Although, if it HAD been off, you might not have felt so good about it as you spoke to god on the big white telephone...

    Pippa, you and me both! (Loved the stalker post, by the way)

    Irene, I will, I will. Just - not yet...

    MD, what I didn't say in that post of course that I have in the past reached the stage where I could get into pre-kid stuff, only to find that the clothes I could now fit into not only were 5 years old, but looked 5 years out of date as well. Although that could just be a female wardrobe problem?

  6. If you go ahead with the wardrobe purge you can always try flogging some of the posh stuff at - a little spending money for Moscow?

  7. I hate sorting cupboards out. I've still got pre my first child clothes that haven't fit for about 3 years. I know for a fact that if i threw away all the clothes that didn't fit I'd be left with two pairs of black yoga trousers (no, I don't do any yoga in them, I just like the elastic waistbands - when did it come to this?) and 3 tops.

    I also wear my husband's old gig t-shirts for a bit of variety sometimes.

  8. Well you know what they say – out with the old, in with the new!! Fresh new excuses to treat yourself at least! I work for a company called Get The Label which has loads of discounted designer pieces with 80% off the RRP so you wont need to feel so guilty about replacing them! Either way you look at it, you’re gonna have to clear them out someday!!

  9. You'll be wrapped up in so many layers of fur that no-one will have a clue whether what is on underneath is a bit tight or not.

  10. Ah. Mud. I think I may have over-egged the pudding a little on how desirable the contents of my wardrobe actually are...

    BSouth, don't we all? (Actually, no I don't. My husband's shirts are - well - not to my taste. Just in case he's reading this...)

    Darran, thanks for the pointer. Unfortunately my wallets a bit credit crunchy right now. Some other time, perhaps.

    Iota, or indeed if there is anything at all on under there. (Ooops! Did I just write that for real?) Obviously, ahem, I am not planning on wearing on fur in any case. No matter what my Husband might plan...

  11. a plea from me and people like me (we thought we were normal; we discover we're fringe).

    please give away your unwanted clothes to the charity shop. i am wearing a lovely cotton monsoon skirt that i adore, and i feel wonderful wearing it. cost? £1, rspca shop.

    some days, if you offered me a choice ... this wonderful skirt or the kids ... hmmm. that would be a hard choice to make.


Go on - you know you want to...