Monday 29 December 2008

Potted wisdom and new names...

The Potty family are finally back home, in freezing old London town. It's meant to be -3 degC tonight. Minus WHAT? We don't do minus figures very often here in the UK, as a rule, and in London hardly ever. We're not built for it. More to the point, we're not dressed for it. Still, any excuse for a tall skinny hot chocolate, I say.

Though actually, given how tight my waist-band is right now, there is no excuse currently good enought for a tall skinny hot chocolate, blast it. Of course there are plenty good enough for repeated assaults on the biscuit tin, but let's skate over that for the moment...

Husband, Boy #2, I and Captain Adorable travelled back from my parents' in Somerset this morning. I beg your pardon? Who's Captain Adorable? Oh yes, Captain Adorable, the son formerly known as Boy #1, but who has recently decided to answer only to the new name he has chosen. Not sure how that's going to go down on the rugby field in years to come, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...

On a more serious note, we're fast approaching the end of a rather tumultuous year. I summarised it here at the beginning of December. I have to say that when Husband called me last January and told me he was one of the earliest casualties of the crisis in the banking industry, I certainly didn't imagine for a moment what would follow. I assumed that he would have few months off, we would get a proper holiday for the first time in - well, for the first time since he started in that world - and that he would be back in the thick of it come the end of the summer.

It hasn't worked out quite like that. Oh, he's been working yes, bloody hard, and sometimes even getting paid for it, but corporate banking life - and the security that comes along with the horrific hours and lack of family life - seems a long way away from where we are right now.

This last year has been a salutory experience, for both of us. For myself, it has helped me to focus on what's important. My Husband. My Boys. Our life as a family, and facilitating that. Being supportive, honest, and open, but not always saying the first thing that comes to mind. Having some place other than my home where I can achieve creativity (thankyou, Blog-land). Good friends and family who will help me work things through and never once say 'I told you so' - and being able to return that favour. Having a sense of Self, and staying true to that.

And most importantly of all, knowing what is right - and doing it.

In the front of my diary for 2008 I copied out two quotes from Marcus Aurelius. I'm about to transpose them into 2009. I'm human, I know that at times they will seem unnecessary and irrelevant, especially when I'm racing around trying to maintain my cool with Captain Anything-but-Adorable and his side-kick Boy #2 (aka Captain Cutesy-unless-things-aren't-going-his-way-or-the-train-has-fallen-off-the-track-again). But I'm hoping that, as in 2008, these quotes might inspire me from time to time, when the walls start closing in and life doesn't seem all that it might:

'Let not your mind run on what you lack as much as on what you have already.'

'Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.'

And since those are both quite worthy, here's one of my own;

'There are few situations in life that won't improve immeasurably with a bar of Green and Black's Chocolate in your hand.'


  1. I hope that life is sunny in 2009 and that Captain Adorable and sidekick Captain Cutesy live up to their names.

    I was not able to pass up the peppermint mocha after shopping with the boys, the waistband was ignored.

  2. In your hand? In your HAND? Get the stuff into your mouth, for heaven's sake!

  3. I'm still laughing about your little Captains with the alternative adjectives;-) They're hard work but so rewarding aren't they!

    I hope 2009 brings all of us some relief from the chaos of 2008 or at least the ability to hang on to our hopes and dreams for a brighter future. It's certainly been a tough year for most people I know.

    Just so you know what you are missing, the temperature here today will reach 33C - lovely. Missing England, me? No chance.

  4. Great quotes! Interesting name for boy 1! Best of luck in '09, it's got to get better for us all.

  5. Ah yes, Green and Blacks is the stuff of my dreams but I MUST RESIST.
    I have stuffed myself silly this Christmas and I absolutely don't want to continue the trend into 2009.
    Maybe just the one square then if you're offering . . .

  6. Hello Potty,
    I love your recent posts, very funny.
    Christmas Eve sounds, erm, lengthy.
    Captain Adorable (to those who don't know what he looks like) is the perfect name for Boy#1.
    May I suggest Cute Chops Chugginton for Boy #2 ?

  7. Great quotes, and achievable (with fuel from Green & Blacks & cashmere from MM of course).

    Sending you all good wishes for 2009!

  8. Just came via a visit to Mud and really enjoyed your blog. I don't think I've visited before but what with losing my mind and my waist in the run up to Christmas, who knows? Will return. Blogthatmamax

  9. i've eaten myself silly in december and need to be very good come january. no more chocolate shall pass these lips.

    i like the new names for the boys, i like them better than the numbers, it makes them more personable and likable.

    i also like your two quotes and think i need to find some good ones myself to be inspired by, although there are probably some old dutch wisdoms laying around that i can apply.

    i hope 2009 is a wonderful year for you and if you are like me, you will be an optimist and see the glass half full and expect the best. just assume all the nicest things will happen for you and your family.


  10. Captain Adorable - now that IS adorable.

    Very wise quotes. Agreed on Green & Black's (although have you tried Hotel Chocolat? do, before the New Year's resolutions set in....)

  11. Ped, I'm so with you on that.

    Iota, mmmmf, mmmf mmmmf. (Burp)

    Sharon - oh, nothing. (nothing that's fit to type, anyway).

    SB, I hope so - but am not holding my breath...

    Tara, have just demolished a mini -(MINI, I tell you!) bar of milk and butterscotch. I am definitely going to hell - or Evans.

    Frog, you may, it fits, but it's too long to type...

    Mud, right back at you (still shunning the cashmere. Who knew I had such willpower?)

    BTM, thanks for the visit and come back and be complimentary again any time you like... (Think you have also visited my sis over at Footballer's Knees?)

    Irene, here's to glasses being half full (or even all full, but let's not get greedy). Not sure the new names for the boys will stick - Boys #1 and #2 are much quicker to type, I'm afraid.

    NVG, Hotel Chocolat? Mmmmmm. Very very very good. And much too close for comfort!

  12. all lovely wishes and chocolate for 2009! may it be a fine year for you and family, pm!


Go on - you know you want to...